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Anmeldung und Konditionen


Target group

The continuing education programme is aimed at managers and specialists in the health care sector and other health care related organizations. However, the course is also aimed at anybody with management experience in the fields of education, administration and business (pharmacy, medical technology, health insurance companies, etc.) related to the healthcare sector.


Requirements for admission are a university degree and several years of professional experience in the health care sector (broadly defined, including pharmacology and allied health professions) as well as some management experience in organisations of health care.

Exceptions regarding the admission requirements may be approved by the Board of Directors "sur dossier". In the case of persons without a university degree or without professional experience in the healthcare sector, it may ask for further evidence of comparable professional expertise in order to ensure that applicants can successfully complete the course of study. The course language is English. Applicants need to have good oral and written skills in the English language.


You can express your interest to apply for this course by sending an email to: info-mig@rw.unibe.ch

Registration deadline: 31. January 2024

Performance record and degree

The course concludes with the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Transnational Healthcare Management MiG from the University of Bern.

In each module, students have to write an assessed module paper. In addition to the four module papers, a project paper is written, with the option of integrating the module papers into the project paper.

If no proof of performance is provided, a certificate of attendance will be issued. Attendance of at least 85 % of the attendance events is required for the acquisition of the degree.



Our training goals

Our training approach

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Katrin Anton, Telefon: 7533

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